Don’t Let Winter Derail Your Workout
If you find it harder to keep up with your workouts as the temperatures drop, you’re not alone. Many Americans find it increasingly...
FSA extension into 2022? Let's make the most of it!
If your flexible spending account from last year extends into the new year, you’ve still got time to spend the money left in it wisely....
Employee Benefit Plan Limits for 2022
Many employee benefits are subject to annual dollar limits that are periodically updated for inflation. The IRS typically announces the...
10 Tips For "Healthy Aging Month" this September
Mental Wellness Let’s start with mental wellness. The highest levels of anxiety and depression have been reported since the pandemic...
Adjusting to a Post-pandemic Life
Last year, mental health experts warned about “pandemic fatigue” as people were tired of staying at home and wanted to be social. As more...
Managing Workers' Medical Restrictions: The "Alphabet Soup" Of Statutes
Handling an employee’s medical or mental condition, especially one that requires a gap in working, is complicated and stressful for...